Monday, October 1, 2007

Why is it so hard to sell my home?

In today's market, there are far more sellers than buyers. It's supply and demand. Foreclosures are certainly creating a correction in pricing. Those that are more desperate to sell are the first ones to lower their price. Knowing that only one or a few homes in the neighborhood will sell any given month, it is most important to be priced right. More to come...

Motivate Me!

Look around you and be happy for the things you HAVE. BE THANKFUL for your family, friends, job, your health and your freedom.

Best First Impressions

Jazzing up your home's exterior could mean the difference between a "drive-by" and an offer. At a minimum present a clean yard, no broken items (including porch lights fountains if you have them), clean windows, and well maintained siding and trim. Yellow and red flowers are buyer's colors! More to come...